MechaTec s.r.o. was established in 2010 as a trading company. Main focus was later changed to sheet metal production. Company specializes to CNC sheet metal manufacturing and its subsequent finishing by operations as welding, painting or by other technologies.
Complete solution
Nabízíme kompletní řešení pro výrobu strojírenských dílů a sestav na bázi zpracování plechů.
Flexibility and high-quality
Our vision is flexible and quality delivery to a satisfied customer.
Trustworthy partner
Our main goal is to be not only a supplier, but above all a trusted partner for all our customers.
Trumpf Trumatic 500-1300 Rotation - powerful and precise CNC punching machine with high flexibility thanks to multitool cassettes and extraordinary options and functions.
Quantity: 2 machines
Technical data:
Max. sheet dimensions 2535 x 1280 mm
Max. material thickness
Mild steel 5 mm (multitool 3 mm)
Stainless steel 5 mm (multitool 3 mm)
Aluminium 3 mm
Trumpf TruLaser 1030 fiber - CNC fiber laser with power 4 kW.
Quantity: 1 machine
Technical data:
Max. sheet dimensions 3000 x 1500 mm
Max. material thickness:
Mild steel 25 mm
Stainless steel 35 mm
Aluminium 20 mm
Cooper / Brass 8 mm
Trumpf TrumaBend V130 - flexible CNC bending machine with increased working range, with 6 CNC-controlled backstop axes and „Auto controlled bending“ function (ACB).
Quantity: 1 machine
Technical data:
Press force 1300 kN
Bending length 3000 mm
Trumpf TruBend 7036 - fast electric CNC bending machine with 4 CNC-controlled backstop axes.
Quantity: 1 machine
Technical data:
Press force 360 kN
Bending length 1020 mm
Haeger HP6-D2 - flexible inserting machine with wide range of usage.
Quantity: 1 machine
Technical data:
Press force 72 kN
Working height 215 mm
Painting line Ekolak with drying oven Datel - wet-painting line consists from painting box, resting space and drying oven. Part of this workstation is also degreasing.
Box with technology Sames-Kremlin and with max. dimensions of painted parts 1000 x 1500 x 500 mm.
We weld steel, stainless steel and aluminium with MAG/MIG and TIG welding with usage
of ESAB and EWM.
Except above mentioned workstations we are equipped also by machines for profiles cutting, material rolling, drilling, chamfering and thread cutting.
Contact us
- Managing Director
- Jaroslav Adam: +420 603 187 720 / adam@mechatec.cz
- Ing. Milan Martínek: +420 731 185 395 / martinek@mechatec.cz
- Production Manager
- Radek Balej: +420 775 663 195 / balej@mechatec.cz
- Administration
- Andrea Přibáňová: +420 604 932 756 / pribanova@mechatec.cz